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Why is February Aquarius Season So Special in 2024?

Writer: VanessaVanessa

2024 Aquarius Season: celebrating the Weirdos

As many of us know, January and February are the time for Aquarius people's birthdays. This year's Aquarius season spans between January 20th and February 18th (yes, it is different every year).

Let's dive into what makes February 2024 so distinct from all previous Aquarius seasons in our life so far...

AI generated image. My description was: the creative potential and the destructive dangers of knowledge, science and technology. Rebel, truth-sayer, mad scientist, Prometheus, androgynous.
AI generated image. My description was: the creative potential and the destructive dangers of knowledge, science and technology. Rebel, truth-sayer, mad scientist, Prometheus, androgynous.

First of all: What is Aquarius?

Objective and innovative Aquarius sees life from an acutely rational perspective. The motivation for Aquarius is to get knowledge out of the information available, in order to attain greater freedom and expansion for humanity, while looking for better ways of doing things for society at large.

Aquarius comes right after Capricorn and brings a correction to Capricorn excesses. Capricorn is an earth sign which is all about sustaining a tradition or the principles behind it, for the integral cohesiveness and preservation of society.

Capricorn can express itself negatively as stagnant authorities and paradigms that no longer serve the community, but are standing merely for the purpose of continuing to be in power. Systems, people, and ideas with so much power that it can be hard to let go of. That is precisely where Aquarius comes in.

It is not surprising to find that the archetype of Prometheus (watch a Ted Ed video about it here) is associated with Aquarius. The myth of Prometheus shows us both the inventiveness of the human mind that leads to creative innovation, and the destructive dangers that come with it.

Now, look at the times we are in. Somewhere in the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Pluto is in Aquarius for the next 20 years. Things are cosmically getting more and more "Aquarius" as we slowly but frantically walk through the first decades of this century.

What do we see unfolding before our eyes? We are witnessing both the light and the shadow in the achievements of science and technology of the 21st century.

Perhaps this month we will begin to have glimpses into what lies under the surface of technological progress: the actual motivations, the original intentions, the hidden connections and schemes that have guided our industrial and technological developments all the way from the late 18th century, until now.

AI generated image. Description: potential and dangers of knowledge, science and technology. Rebel, truth-sayer, mad scientist, Prometheus, androgynous, cold. Worldly, cosmic. Contrast starkly creation and destruction.
AI generated image. Description: potential and dangers of knowledge, science and technology. Rebel, truth-sayer, mad scientist, Prometheus, androgynous, cold. Worldly, cosmic. Contrast starkly creation and destruction.

Aquarius Season this February 2024

In astrology, there are some planets that move relatively way faster than others. Throughout the year, some of them will go all around the zodiac. These fast planets are:

  • Mercury: learning, storytelling, thinking

  • Venus: valuing, loving, relating

  • Mars: desiring, deciding, facing challenges

The Sun and these fast planets are all going to be in Aquarius this month - and will all be in Aquarius at the same time in mid February. This does not necessarily happen every year, but 2024 gives us this "treat", for better or worse.

This Aquarius-intensive time can be inviting collective intellectual effort on various conscious levels of our experience in order to bring about the necessary changes that are stirring up.

But that is not even the most fascinating part.

The actual tea is this: all these planets are meeting Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in our lives. This month.

What does this mean? Read on...

AI generated image. My description was: "the creative potential and the destructive potential dangers of knowledge, science and technology. Excess knowledge. Detachment. Destruction. Growth and healing. Prometheus archetype. Age of Aquarius."
AI generated image. My description was: "the creative potential and the destructive potential dangers of knowledge, science and technology. Excess knowledge. Detachment. Destruction. Growth and healing. Prometheus archetype. Age of Aquarius."

Mercury, Mars and Venus meet Pluto in Aquarius for the first time

The fact that these 3 planets are initiating a new series of cycles with Pluto now in Aquarius for the next 2 decades, tells us that many new stories are beginning to unfold.

The way this can show up for you will depend on how does your specific cosmic blueprint (natal chart) look like. You can easily obtain your natal chart for free in this website , used by many astrologers all around the world, who by the way, are the best people to help you figure it out. I would love to help you understand what it all means for you during an astrology reading (read until the end for a gift opportunity)

In addition to meeting Pluto, all these planets going through Aquarius are also going to be triggering the planets that are in Taurus: Jupiter and Uranus.

Some challenges are placed to an area that has been developing innovatively since 2018 and definitely growing and expanding since last year. This can be related to our finances, businesses and investments.

These seemingly problematic situations are in actuality nudging us in the right direction. They are creative pushes. In these wildly changing times, if we are open to adjust, we are flowing with the times instead of against them.

So... how is each planet's experience when meeting the Lord of Death & Rebirth in Aquarius?

AI generated image. My description was: "Pluto meets Mercury in the depths of Aquarius, informing them of the corrupted shadow hiding behind knowledge, science and technology"
AI generated image. My description was: "Pluto meets Mercury in the depths of Aquarius, informing them of the corrupted shadow hiding behind knowledge, science and technology"

Mercury is the first one to go into Aquarius on February 4th

Mercury is the fastest planet of all (clearly representing our mind!) and will join the Aquarius party early in the month on Feb 4th.

Mercury is suddenly faced with this definitely scary and decidedly powerful planet, whose function is to unearth the hidden darkness for us to be made aware of it.

When Mercury and Pluto meet, it's like our awake mind finds the guardian of our most hidden and unconscious secrets. This is a revelatory moment that can unearth corruption both internally and at a societal level, but it can also be about burying secrets instead.

Mercury meeting Pluto is usually associated with secret information being revealed, illuminating situations of corruption and conspiracy. On a personal level, we can have deep revelations, or be made aware of hidden information, especially in the Aquarius area of our chart.

Because Mercury and Pluto will be meeting only in Aquarius for the next 2 decades, we may now start to witness shady corrupt stuff in the world of communications, travel and technology. We may see tech world scandals, whether related to the use of the technology now available to us, or to people and companies who lead these industries.

After meeting Pluto, Mercury comes out of this vision into hell itself, and courses through the rest of the sign of Aquarius.

This enhances:

  • Innovation

  • Objectivity

  • Vision into the future through use of information & technology

  • Connectivity

  • Divergent thinking

AI generated image. My description was: "Pluto meets Mars in the depths of Aquarius, informing them of the corrupted shadow hiding behind knowledge, science and technology"
AI generated image. My description was: "Pluto meets Mars in the depths of Aquarius, informing them of the corrupted shadow hiding behind knowledge, science and technology"

There goes Mars: into Aquarius on February 12th

Mars is the planet that represents our inner Warrior archetype. It's a very energized part of us. So much that it can get us into real trouble if we don't measure its force.

The decisions we make have consequences that accompany us for life. There are always casualties: gardens that won't grow, paths that won't be trodden. Mars teaches us to learn from the Warrior's resolve when making our decisions, reminding us that we are in a battlefield, and there is no time to hesitate.

Think of Mars as a sword that you must be strong, determined and skilled enough to swing with precise intent, without destroying anything or anyone around you.

Our Warrior meets the God of Death and Rebirth right as he moves into the sci-fi world of Aquarius. Mercury already stopped by. What is Mars going to find out with Pluto?

Immediately we need to understand that these two are powerhouses. Both planets together are co-rulers of the profound, intense, and deeply transformative sign of Scorpio.

It takes courage (Mars) to face one's shadows (Pluto). When the two meet, we are talking about a really intense battle within the soul.

Add to this that one of the eclipse points (North Node in Aries) is calling us to learn assertiveness, timely action, decisiveness, and above all, courage (Aries is ruled by Mars too).

Pluto in Aquarius is beginning to uncover the layers of an area of our life that we have never before explored so deeply. Mars here can make this process irritating, triggering, enraging, explosive, and in this annoying way, incredibly revealing.

Mars is our courage teacher, and in meeting Pluto, we may learn a lot about how deep our fears are, and how are we still letting them take hold of us.

We must be brave enough to accept that there are shadows in ourselves that we are not aware of, so then, we can proceed to actually seeing them. To do this, we must hold on to something other than our identity, for our egos are in a serious dying process. Also, Aquarius is not the place for soft emotional processing. The battlefield is outer space, where our earthly vanities are meant to dry and disappear due to lack of ego-boosting oxygen.

Be willing to die, my friend. Pluto promises a more authentic rebirth on the other side. Die and be reborn as many times as it takes for you to reveal your sacred true voice.

After this intense encounter, Mars moves on to tread the rest of the sign of Aquarius, enhancing:

  • Objective decision making

  • Innovative action

  • Collective action to bring social change

  • Intellectually fighting for truth and freedom

  • Anger and irritation due to collective oppression systems in place

  • Collective rebellion and revolution

AI generated image. My description was: "Pluto meets Venus in the underworld, the shadow realm of Aquarius, informing her of the corruption of loving without being authentic"
AI generated image. My description was: "Pluto meets Venus in the underworld, the shadow realm of Aquarius, informing her of the corruption of loving without being authentic"

Last but not least: Venus in Aquarius on Feb 16th

The goddess of Love does not really feel flowy, sensual and beautiful in a space suit. But she can experiment and play, not caring so much about following the rules when it comes to valuables, love and relationships.

Meeting Pluto reminds Venus of the tale of Persephone and her abrupt descent into the Underworld. It also reminds her of her own retrograde journey, where she dies to be reborn, almost every year. Venus knows how transformative love can be. But Pluto in Aquarius is here to give her new secret intel this time.

Pluto may tell her about the ways that she is being inauthentic in her relationships. We are going through a "relationship purge" with the eclipses in Libra (more on that in the upcoming March newsletter). Pluto is here to assist the purge from our depths.

One thing is to be inauthentic towards others. That might not be cool, but socially, it is absolutely integrated and accepted. Inauthentic faces are all over in every social media. But Pluto greets Venus with a killer question: how are you lying to yourself? What does it mean to show up authentically in your relationships? And a more transcendental question too: is your capacity to love limited to people you get something from? Be honest and in silence answer these questions. What is your truth?

New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th

February is also the month we have a New Moon in Aquarius. This symbolizes yet another new beginning, signaling a 6 month cycle of development.

A new seed is planted in the midst of all these new Aquarian insights into the depths. This is a new beginning that challenges our projects in development, because it asks for a perspective that does not suit any other energies previously mentioned.

This new moon has an element of otherworldliness to it. Perhaps it's about weaving what we imagine with the capacity of new technologies to bring our visions into reality. Or maybe it is a spiritual kind of out-there-ness.

It feels like a calling to add more faith or divine trust into the process. Spirituality, mysticism or faith are words that cannot express these experiences sufficiently well. But in any case: whatever you believe in, let it support you and don't lose hold of that.

Uranus Is Direct + No Retrogrades

Finally... February is SO Aquarius because we are decisively moving forward! We are on to making changes and adjustments to our projects, but there is no going back. Uranus is one of Aquarius' planets and it just went direct at the end of January, meaning all innovations, collaborations, community and social motivations, are in forward motion.

No retrograde planets this month. This happens once every year for about a month or two.

What does it mean? Story moves onwards. On many levels, we are definitely past certain chapters and on to the next ones.

Do you see now how much "Aquarius energy" there is this month? Crazy, right?

Whether you are trying to make the best out of your month or your entire life, I can help you understand what your natal chart says about you, and how these planetary movements are playing out specifically for you with one of my astrology readings.

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